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What is Reiki Business Academy, who is it for?

The world is shifting fast. People are waking up at a rapid rate; the people you are meant to help are seeking YOU.

If you here, you most likely share my mission of raising the consciousness through reiki.

Reiki Business Academy is the exact formula you need to start facilitating the deep impact AND income you're meant for. No more plateaus, no more guesswork, no more floaty advice, no more feeling alone in this. Just the straightforward path to success.

We’re going to be working closely together these next 6 months. As your coach, my sole intention is to help you grow a deeply impactful and profitable healing business. Because I know that if I can change your life in RBA, then that means you get to impact hundreds of your soulmate clients’ lives... and I LIVE for that impact.

That being said, my #1 goal is to help you get your first 2 high ticket clients in your reiki business in 90 days

(2-5k is EXTREMELY common for clients who commit to the process, happens more times than not)

Jenel went from having a hobby that barely paid her...

to making over $17k in her healing business

in just 4 months

Here is some of what we’ll work on inside Reiki Business Academy...

Step 1: You'll create your reiki-infused offer

That is 8-12 weeks and is a no-brainer for your soulmate clients to say "hell yes" to. You'll also build it out so your clients get real results, stick around, and continue to pay you. No more chasing 1 off sessions!

Annie started in RBA struggling to book $85 consistent clients. Now she is enrolling clients in her reiki-infused offer that pays her over 1.5k, and allows clients to fully transform.

Step 2: You’re going to learn how to document, not create

Most coaches focus so much on speaking to their “ideal client” avatar when they share on social media that they miss the boat on documenting their lifestyle, energy and authenticity.

Receive the simple frameworks that allowed content creation to become effortless for Micaela, who documented her healing journey through breast cancer and divorce to create a tribe, and set her apart in the space .

Step 3: Get in conversation with your soulmate clients

Proven lead generation systems designed to magnetize and sell clients. You’ll learn to build a community around your work with powerful soul-led DM scripts that connect with their deep desires, and activate them into “hell yes” energy, so you can start booking 4-5 calls per week.

You’ll use the exact step by step DM script Deb has been using to completely book out her schedule with new clients in her current 1 on 1 program.

Step 4: You’ll shift your identity, and embody  your powerful entrepreneur energetics and mindset

Step into your authority. Learn how to simply clear your subconscious blocks and trapped emotions that are blocking you from success, even inherited ones just like Teresa did.

Confidently coach your clients, have boundaries in your business, and powerfully bust through any lack, fear or rejection mindset blocks.

Step 5: You’ll sell from the SOUL

I’ll be giving you easy to follow DM + phone script and a smooth sales process that will activate your soulmate clients into action, and have them commit to you and their journey right then and there.

You’ll also learn how to overcome objections just like Claire did, such as “now is not the right time” or “I need to check my finances”, so your conversion rate skyrockets.

Step 6: Focus on income-generating activity

Part of laying the foundation for a successful life-long business is knowing exactly when and how to get an influx of income in your active community. A lotttt of entrepreneurs are super BUSY in their business, but not PRODUCTIVE. 

Jenel RAN with the income-generating strategies in RBA, and powerfully activated her audience to take action and made over 17k in just 4 months.

What's Included in RBA:

    The Training

    Over 60 guided video trainings, hundreds of PDF resources, healing resources, and guest experts in the online modules in an easy to follow step-by-step format, so you know exactly what to do every day.

    The Coaching

    Our weekly coaching calls on Wednesdays @ 4:30 PST / 7:30 EST consist of a healing, strategy training, followed by space for questions and support. You’ll also have 1-on-1 support via voice notes and whatsapp, so you can get an answer and feedback from me whenever you need.

    The Group Membership

    FINALLY. Be held in an incredibly potent and powerful group of other healers who are also on this path and committed to growth and impact.

    Group chat, reiki shares, celebrating wins and holding space for the inbetween. Soul family vibes.

"What If I'm a beginner?"

You’re in the right place! As long as you are a certified reiki practitioner and/or certified reiki master teacher with at least a few sessions under your belt, this is for you.

"What if I'm not tech savvy?"

I'm your gal. I love that I’ve been able to break down some of the most confusing digital tools for my tech-challenged AND tech-savvy clients to learn, and be able to gain confidence to take their business online..

and if you ever need extra support, I’m always down to create a training for you!

“I’m an introvert/ uncomfy on camera”

Most of us have a fear of rejection and/or are introverted. It’s something I myself have had to work through, and have coached hundreds of clients on as well. Expect to get outside your comfort zone consistently in this program.

This is where the energetics, group support, and mindset in this program comes in big.

"How much time will it take to learn and implement each week?"

That being said, you can get started and see results in as little as 5 hours per week. Each week is designed to have some training (about 1-2 hours per week) and 3 hours of you taking action. If you have more time, it's definitely recommended to see results, but 5 hours is enough to move forward.

"How long is the program?"

Reiki Business Academy is 6 months of coaching and support, with access to the online course material for the 6 month term.

I designed the program as an intensive kick-start to see an influx of clients in your reiki business, along with SUSTAINABLE strategies so you can make your full-time healing business your long-term reality.

"Is there a guarantee?"

I prioritize your success as much as my own, because I’ve been where you are. That being said, here’s the guarantee: if within the first 30 days you fully participate in the module trainings, do the tasks, reach out for help and support through the weekly calls and DM with me, and you aren’t fully satisfied, you can cancel your enrollment in RBA no questions asked.