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Activate Your Purpose

a free webinar 

for spiritual women who are ready to evolve and transition into a fulfilling healing career.

Learn how getting certified in reiki 1 and 2 will allow you to finally do the work you are meant to do, and have the powerful impact you are meant to have.

A webinar to activate your soul's purpose

In just 50 minutes you will...

  • Receive my 3 steps to launching your practice and landing your first clients.

  • Learn my powerful 3-step method to locate and clear your energy blocks.

  • Discover how working with reiki will allow you to awaken your intuition and innate healing abilities, so you can start making an impact right away.

  • PLUS receive a powerful resource for you to use daily to align your energy and kick start you on your path.

  • Register to watch the 100% free training here:

    "I always knew I had healing energy within me, especially in my hands.

    I just hadn't found the right person to bring it out of me or to help me understand my gifts.

    When I met Morgan and got certified in reiki, she shown this bright light on my gifts, and I started understanding my power.

    I felt confident enough to start practicing reiki on others right away at events and on my own. When I began sharing reiki, I finally knew I was living my soul's purpose."

    You will Learn...

    How to heal, clear, and balance your energy

  • The huge role your own healing plays in having a successful practice and manifesting the life you want.

  • How to identify your limiting beliefs, blocks and stories that are keeping you from moving forward on your path.

  • Learn my 3-step method to locate your energy blocks.

  • How reiki will change your life

  • Why reiki is the foundational practice to heal yourself and others

  • How working with reiki energy illuminates your purpose and strengthens your intuitive gifts

  • How having a reiki practice will allow you to start creating transformations and healing in others right away.

  • My steps to get your practice off the ground

  • My 3 crucial steps to launching any successful spiritual business.

  • Powerful exercises to dive deeper into building the foundation of your healing career. 

  • How I can guarantee a successful transition into the spiritual career you want with soul-aligned clients.

  • Meet Morgan

    Morgan Mancuso is a reiki master teacher and an energy transformation facilitator. Since Morgan was little, she knew she had an ability to help and hold space for others, but found it difficult to interpret her sensitivity to energy, and battled depression, body dysmorphia, and other energy blockages into her early 20's. 

    At the end of her time in college, Morgan was faced with the dilemma of pursuing a conventional career in psychology, or following her intuition's nudges towards a more spiritual path.

    It was when Morgan found reiki around this time, that she knew deep in her soul this was her path. She got certified a few months after graduating, and had every intention to launch her reiki practice right away... but didn't expect how hard it would be to transition out of her 9-5 job without a mentor.

    ...Nor did she realize the deep healing she had to address within herself before she was ready to energetically hold a successful practice. 

    It took 3 years of stagnation and trial and error with overcoming her fears and blocks to moving forward, before eventually diving deeper into reiki for her own healing, quitting her 9-5, and getting her practice off the ground.

    Now, Morgan has made it her mission to mentor other women who are looking to make an impact, by bridging the gap between simply learning reiki, and making it a lifestyle while launching a successful practice. 

    Here's what clients are saying about working with Morgan...

    Working with Morgan was such an unexpected deep and personal experience. Morgan knew exactly when and how to hold space for the energy of emotional and physical healing that needed to move through me. Her open heart, skill level and inner guidance will provide anyone, ready for the power of true healing, to shift in a way that is both unexpected and powerful!


    Morgan listened to everything that these past few months have brought up for me and created a wonderful meditation to ground me and open me up before working with reiki energy. Since working with her I have noticed such a drastic shift in my day to day. She truly opened me up and cleared space in my body to propel me to continue doing my work. There is no longer the same resistance that I had a month ago. Now there is trust, excitement and a whole lot of gratitude.


    I struggle with the joint pain and insomnia that comes with SLE (Systemic Lupus) and Fibromyalgia. Morgan was able to tap into energy channels to provide a lot of relief. I slept better last night than I have in years. I also woke up with a sense of peace and ease. She was able to provide both physical and mental peace. She has a gift in channeling healing energy and I feel very lucky to have experienced it.


    Are you ready to activate your purpose and start the spiritual career you've been calling in? I'm ready to show you how!

    Register here to watch the FREE training: